Latihan Soal Bab Greeting Bahasa Inggris Jenjang SMP

Halo Sobat Gurules, jumpa lagi dengan Mr. Purnama di Bimbel Gurules. Kali ini akan dibagikan beberapa contoh latihan soal dalam persiapan penilaian harian bab greeting mata pelajaran bahasa inggris jenjang smp. Langsung aja, kita bahas.

Jenis Konten    : UH (Bab 1, greeting)

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas               : 7 SMP

Semester         : Gasal

Penyusun        : Kak Eva Nofia

  1. Ririn    : Sile, it’s time to go to sleep.
    Sile      : ………………..
    a. Good morning
    b. Good afternoon
    c. Good night
    d. Good evening
  2. Which one of the following expressions is regarded as greeting?
    a. Good bye
    b. How are you doing?
    c. I’m fine, thanks
    d. See you later
  3. Sri        : Happy birthday, my sister. This is present for you.
    Luh      : ……………………..
    What is the best response?
    a. No, thanks
    b. Is it for me?
    c. How kind of you to say that!
    d. Thank you very much

    Complete the following dialogue to answer question 4 to 6!
    Lidia    : Good morning, Soni. How are you?
    Soni     : Good Morning, ………………(4). Thanks.
    Lidia    : What do you do?
    Soni     : I repair my laptop because I want to use it for making my homework.
    Lidia    : …………….(5) I broke it yesterday when I borrow it.
    Soni     : That’s okay. It will be better.
    Lidia    : Thank you, Soni
    Soni     :………………..(6)

  4. a.
    Nice to meet you
    b.  What’s up?
    c.   I’m very well
    d.  Hello
  5. ……
    a. Thank you very much
    b.  I’m so sorry
    c.  You are so kind
    d.  I have to get going now
  6. ……
    a.  Good bye
    b.  You are welcome
    c.   See you later
    d.   I have forgiven you
  7. Citra     : Hello, I ………..Lisa
    Ineke   : Hi, My name……..Ineke
    a. Is, am
    b. Are, is
    c. Am, is
    d. Am, are
  8. Rena    : Where are you from?
    Reni     : …………………..
    The best response is…………..
    a. My name is Reni
    b. How are you?
    c. I live in Bandun
    d. I’m from Karangasem
  9. Arrange the words below into good order!
    Student– books – use – these – can – the
    a. The books can use these student
    b.Thesestudent can use the books
    c. Thestudent can use these books
    d. Student can the use these books
  10. Lika     :Do you like horror movie?
    Tono    : No, I don’t like. How about you?
    Lika     : I like it very much. I watch it everyday at home.
    Tono    : It’s great.
    Form the dialogue we know that………..
    a. Tono love Lika very much
    b. Lika doesn’t like horror movie
    c. Lika and Tono are sibling
    d. Lika likes horror movie so much

Kunci Jawaban :

  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D

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